Vol.62 No.1 January 2014
Evaluation of teicoplanin personalized medicine calculated by vancomycin PK parameter
Department of Pharmacy, Jichi Medical University Hospital, 3311-1 Yakushiji, Shimotsuke, Tochigi, Japan
According to the Japanese Society of Chemotherapy TDM Guideline, target trough concentration of teicoplanin(TEIC) of ≥15 μg/mL are recommended. But no method of TEIC personalized medicine has been established. This study aimed to retrospectively establish the TEIC personalized medicine at an early non steady state calculated by vancomycin PK parameter. Serum drug concentration data for patients treated TEIC were collected at an early non steady state concentration (<96 h after post infusion). The Bayesian forecasting method and population mean method were employed to estimated individual total VCM clearance(CL), the volume of central compartment(Vc) and the volume of distribution at steady state (Vdss) using existing population pharmacokinetics(PPK) parameter and these residues are defined as ΔCL, ΔVc and ΔVdss. There is a relationship between the prediction error observed TEIC serum concentration values and the predicted values based on patient's pharmacokinetics parameters calculated from the PPK parameters and ΔVc or ΔCL. It is revealed that ΔCL is the strongest predictor of TEIC concentration at an early non steady state. The results of this study indicated that it is possible to improve the prediction error of TEIC trough concentration at an early non steady state for patients who had been received VCM therapy.
Key word
vancomycin, teicoplanin, therapeutic drug monitoring(TDM), Bayesian, population pharmacokinetics parameter
May 20, 2013
December 2, 2013
Jpn. J. Chemother. 62 (1): 129-133, 2014